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We were reviewed by these media too:

PC Gamer

PC Gamer is the global authority on PC games. We’ve been covering PC gaming for more than 20 years, and continue that legacy today with worldwide print editions and around-the-clock news, features, esports coverage, hardware testing and game reviews on PCGamer.com, as well as major yearly events including the PC Gaming Show at E3.

"You get a beautiful, thrilling wargame out of that bargain. While I found a number of flaws when I stood close to the tapestry, it's important to remember that Hearts of Iron 4 exists to encompass the whole sweep of the war. It captivates me because—imperfectly, impressionistically, and perhaps a little amorally—it lets me orchestrate the most titanic armed struggles in history, from the fussy economic details to the cut-and-thrust of mechanized warfare. There are other great strategic-level wargames out there. But I have never played anything like Hearts of Iron 4."

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IGN is an American video game and entertainment media website operated by IGN Entertainment Inc. Since 1996, we have been part of the media leader in games, entertainment and modern culture, available in 30 different international editions, 24 languages and 114 countries.

"Hearts of Iron IV is a strong contender for the title of ultimate armchair-general game. The biggest problems I can point to are almost all performance-related, putting a slow, frustrating finale on what is otherwise an ingeniously detailed strategic stimulation of just about every aspect of 20th-century global warfare. I long for a way to extract more meaningful, personal stories and tactical feedback out of the hundreds of battles, but rarely did I ever feel like I was lacking for some weighty decision to make or interesting puzzle to put my mind to. This one’s well worth the extensive time investment required to learn how to manipulate its myriad moving parts into a well-oiled engine of war. Hearts of Iron 4 wields complexity like a swift armor division during the blitzkrieg, allowing it to serve the idea of layered, cerebral, strategic warfare instead of letting it needlessly bog down the experience."

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Polygon is one of the most popular American video game website that publishes blogs, reviews, guides, videos, and news. At its October 2012 launch as Vox Media's third property, Polygon sought to distinguish itself from competitors by focusing on the stories of the people behind the games instead of the games themselves. It also produced long-form magazine-style feature articles, invested in video content, and chose to let their review scores be updated as the game changed.

"Hearts of Iron 4 lets players win or lose WWII on their own terms. For now, after many dozens of hours, I'm taking a break from Hearts of Iron 4. Not because I'm sick of it; quite the contrary, in fact. What I need to do is some serious reading, some careful planning on what my vision for the United States should be in 1936. And when I've done that planning — when I've formulated my character sheet, as it were — I have the utmost confidence that Hearts of Iron 4 will be ready for me to play a role in world affairs."

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